"about.about_aleksis" = "About AlekSIS®"; "about.about_aleksis_1" = "This platform is powered by AlekSIS®, a web-based school information system (SIS) which can be used to manage and/or publish organisational artifacts of educational institutions. AlekSIS is free software and can be used by anyone."; "about.about_aleksis_2" = "AlekSIS® is a registered trademark of the AlekSIS open source project, represented by Teckids e.V."; "about.free_open_source_licence" = "Free/Open Source Licence"; "about.free_software" = "Free Software"; "about.full_licence_text" = "Full Licence Text"; "about.licence_consists_of" = "The licence consists of"; "about.licence_information" = "Licence Information"; "about.licence_information_1" = "The core and the official apps of AlekSIS are licenced under the EUPL, version 1.2 or later. For licence information from third-party apps, if installed, refer to the respective components below. The licences are marked like this:"; "about.licence_type" = "Licence Type"; "about.licenced_under" = "Licenced under"; "about.more_information_eupl" = "More information about the EUPL"; "about.open_source" = "Open Source"; "about.other_licence" = "Other Licence"; "about.page_title" = "About AlekSIS®"; "about.proprietary" = "Proprietary"; "about.show_copyright" = "Show copyright"; "about.source_code" = "Source Code"; "about.website_of_aleksis" = "Website of AlekSIS"; "accounts.change_password.menu_title" = "Change Password"; "accounts.invitation.accept_invitation.menu_title" = "Accept Invitation"; "accounts.invitation.invite_person.menu_title" = "Invite Person"; "accounts.login.menu_title" = "Login"; "accounts.logout.menu_title" = "Logout"; "accounts.signup.menu_title" = "Sign Up"; "accounts.social_connections.menu_title" = "Third-party Accounts"; "accounts.two_factor.add_authentication_method" = "Add Authentication Method"; "accounts.two_factor.backup_codes_count" = "You have no backup codes remaining.|You have only one backup code remaining.|You have {counter} backup codes remaining."; "accounts.two_factor.backup_codes_description" = "If you can't use any of your devices, you can access your account using backup codes."; "accounts.two_factor.backup_codes_title" = "Backup Codes"; "accounts.two_factor.disable_button" = "Disable Two-Factor Authentication"; "accounts.two_factor.disable_description" = "However we strongly discourage you to do so, you can also disable two-factor authentication for your account."; "accounts.two_factor.disable_title" = "Disable Two-Factor Authentication"; "accounts.two_factor.enable_button" = "Enable Two-Factor Authentication"; "accounts.two_factor.enable_description" = "Two-factor authentication is not enabled for your account. Enable two-factor authentication for enhanced account security."; "accounts.two_factor.enable_title" = "Two-Factor Authentication Currently Disabled"; "accounts.two_factor.menu_title" = "2FA"; "accounts.two_factor.methods.call" = "We will call you at your mobile phone and tell you a one-time code."; "accounts.two_factor.methods.email" = "We will send you one-time codes to your e-mail address."; "accounts.two_factor.methods.generator" = "You generate one-time codes using a code generator."; "accounts.two_factor.methods.sms" = "We will send you one-time codes to your mobile phone number."; "accounts.two_factor.methods.webauthn" = "You use a security key (either as external device or integrated in your personal device)."; "accounts.two_factor.methods.yubikey" = "You use a Yubikey to generate one-time codes."; "accounts.two_factor.other_devices_description" = "If your primary authentication device is not available during logging in, you can use one of these devices:"; "accounts.two_factor.other_devices_title" = "Other Authentication Devices"; "accounts.two_factor.primary_device_description" = "While logging in, AlekSIS will ask you to confirm the login with the following device. If this device is not available, you can use a backup device."; "accounts.two_factor.primary_device_title" = "Primary Authentication Device"; "accounts.two_factor.title" = "Two-Factor Authentication"; "actions.back" = "Back"; "actions.cancel" = "Cancel"; "actions.clear_filters" = "Clear Filters"; "actions.close" = "Close"; "actions.confirm" = "Confirm"; "actions.confirm_deletion" = "Are you sure you want to delete this item?"; "actions.confirm_deletion_multiple" = "Are you sure you want to delete these items?"; "actions.copied" = "Copied"; "actions.copy" = "Copy"; "actions.create" = "Add"; "actions.delete" = "Delete"; "actions.edit" = "Edit"; "actions.filter" = "Filter"; "actions.save" = "Save"; "actions.search" = "Search"; "actions.select_action" = "Select Action"; "actions.select_all" = "Select all"; "actions.stop_editing" = "Stop editing"; "actions.title" = "Actions"; "actions.update" = "Update"; "administration.backend_admin.menu_title" = "Backend Admin"; "administration.menu_title" = "Administration"; "administration.system_status.menu_title" = "System Status"; "alerts.page_cached" = "This page may contain outdated information since there is no internet connection."; "announcement.menu_title" = "Announcements"; "announcement.title" = "Announcement"; "announcement.title_plural" = "Announcements"; "base.about_aleksis" = "About AlekSIS® — The Free School Information System"; "base.imprint" = "Imprint"; "base.logo" = "Logo"; "base.no_permission" = "No Permission"; "base.no_permission_message_long" = "You have no permission to view this page. Please login with an other account."; "base.no_permission_message_short" = "No permission"; "base.no_permission_redirect_text" = "Go to login"; "base.person_is_dummy" = "Your administrator account is not linked to any person. Therefore, a dummy person has been linked to your account."; "base.privacy_policy" = "Privacy Policy"; "base.user_not_linked_to_person" = "Your user account is not linked to a person. This means you cannot access any school-related information. Please contact the managers of AlekSIS at your school."; "calendar.cancelled" = "Cancelled"; "calendar.day" = "Day"; "calendar.download_all" = "Download all"; "calendar.download_ics" = "Download ICS"; "calendar.ics_to_clipboard" = "Copy link to calendar ICS to clipboard"; "calendar.menu_title" = "Calendar"; "calendar.month" = "Month"; "calendar.my_calendars" = "My Calendars"; "calendar.select" = "Select calendars"; "calendar.today" = "Today"; "calendar.week" = "Week"; "celery_progress.error_message" = "The operation couldn't be finished successfully."; "celery_progress.progress_title" = "Loading ..."; "celery_progress.running_tasks" = "1 running task | {number} running tasks"; "celery_progress.success_message" = "The operation has been finished successfully."; "dashboard.dashboard_widget.menu_title" = "Dashboard Widgets"; "dashboard.dashboard_widget.title" = "Dashboard Widget"; "dashboard.dashboard_widget.title_plural" = "Dashboard Widgets"; "dashboard.menu_title" = "Dashboard"; "data_check.menu_title" = "Data Checks"; "download_pdf.download" = "Download"; "download_pdf.notice" = "If the download does not start automatically, please click the button below."; "download_pdf.title" = "Downloading PDF file ..."; "graphql.snackbar_error_message" = "There was an error retrieving the page data. Please try again."; "graphql.snackbar_success_message" = "The operation has been finished successfully."; "group.group_type.menu_title" = "Group Types"; "group.group_type.title" = "Group Type"; "group.group_type.title_plural" = "Group Types"; "group.groups_and_child_groups" = "Groups and Child Groups"; "group.menu_title" = "Groups"; "group.ownership" = "Group ownership"; "group.title" = "Group"; "group.title_plural" = "Groups"; "holidays.menu_title" = "Holidays"; "holidays.title" = "Holiday"; "holidays.title_plural" = "Holidays"; "holidays.create_holiday" = "Create Holiday"; "holidays.date_start" = "Start Date"; "holidays.date_end" = "End Date"; "holidays.holiday_name" = "Name"; "ical_feed.menu_title" = "Calendar Feeds"; "legacy.unworthy" = "The life-form who created this view did not bow to the powers of the almighty Aleksolotl."; "network_errors.back_to_start" = "Back to home page"; "network_errors.error_404" = "404"; "network_errors.offline_notification" = "You are offline. Some features may not work and some data may not be up to date."; "network_errors.page_not_found" = "The requested page or resource could not be found."; "network_errors.snackbar_error_message" = "A network error occurred. Please try again."; "browser_errors.incompatible_browser" = "Incompatible browser"; "browser_errors.browsers_compatibility" = "AlekSIS is not compatible with this browser and version. Please use a recent version of Firefox (recommended) or another commonly used browser."; "notifications.mark_as_read" = "Mark as read"; "notifications.more_information" = "More information"; "notifications.no_notifications" = "You have no new notifications."; "notifications.notifications" = "Notifications"; "oauth.application.menu_title" = "OAuth Applications"; "oauth.application.title" = "OAuth Application"; "oauth.application.title_plural" = "OAuth Applications"; "oauth.authorized_application.access_since" = "Access since {date}"; "oauth.authorized_application.description" = "The following third-party applications have access to your account. You can revoke access at any time for those you don't need or trust anymore."; "oauth.authorized_application.has_access_to" = "Has access to:"; "oauth.authorized_application.menu_title" = "Third-party Applications"; "oauth.authorized_application.revoke" = "Revoke Access"; "oauth.authorized_application.revoke_question" = "Are you sure you want to revoke access for this application?"; "oauth.authorized_application.subtitle" = "Third-party Applications With Access to Your Account"; "oauth.authorized_application.title" = "Third-party Applications"; "oauth.authorized_application.valid_until" = "Valid until {date}"; "oauth.authorized_token.menu_title" = "oauth.authorized_token.menu_title"; "people" = "People"; "permissions.manage.menu_title" = "Manage Permissions"; "person.account_menu_title" = "Account"; "person.additional_image" = "Additional Image"; "person.avatar" = "Avatar"; "person.children" = "Children"; "person.delete" = "Delete"; "person.confirm_delete" = "Do you really want to delete this person?"; "person.details" = "Contact details"; "person.guardians" = "Guardians / Parents"; "person.home" = "home phone"; "person.impersonation.impersonate" = "Impersonate"; "person.impersonation.impersonating" = "Impersonating"; "person.impersonation.stop" = "Stop Impersonation"; "person.invite" = "Invite"; "person.logged_in_as" = "Logged in as"; "person.menu_title" = "Persons"; "person.mobile" = "mobile phone"; "person.no_additional_image" = "The person didn't upload an additional Image"; "person.no_persons" = "No Persons"; "person.page_title" = "Person"; "person.title" = "Person"; "person.title_plural" = "Persons"; "person.sex.m" = "Male"; "person.sex.f" = "Female"; "person.sex.x" = "Other"; "preferences.person.change_preferences" = "Preferences"; "preferences.person.menu_title" = "Preferences"; "preferences.site.menu_title" = "Configuration"; "rooms.menu_title" = "Rooms"; "rooms.title_plural" = "Rooms"; "rooms.name" = "Name"; "rooms.short_name" = "Short Name"; "rooms.create_room" = "Create new room"; "school_term.after" = "Ends after"; "school_term.before" = "Starts before"; "school_term.create_school_term" = "Create School Term"; "school_term.date_end" = "End Date"; "school_term.date_start" = "Start Date"; "school_term.menu_title" = "School Terms"; "school_term.name" = "Name"; "school_term.title" = "School Term"; "school_term.title_plural" = "School Terms"; "selection.num_items_selected" = "No items selected | 1 item selected | {n} items selected"; "service_worker.dismiss" = "Dismiss"; "service_worker.new_version_available" = "A new version of the app is available"; "service_worker.update" = "Update"; "status.changes" = "You have unsaved changes."; "status.error" = "There has been an error while saving the latest changes."; "status.object_create_success" = "The object was created successfully."; "status.object_delete_success" = "The object was deleted successfully."; "status.objects_delete_success" = "The objects were deleted successfully."; "generic_messages.error" = "An error occurred. Please try again."; "generic_messages.success" = "The operation has been finished successfully."; "forms.errors.required" = "This field is required."; "forms.errors.invalid_date" = "This is not a valid date."; "forms.errors.invalid_time" = "This is not a valid time."; "forms.errors.invalid_color" = "This is not a valid color."; "forms.errors.not_a_number" = "Not a valid number"; "forms.errors.not_a_whole_number" = "Please enter a whole number"; "forms.errors.number_too_small" = "Please enter a bigger number."; "forms.errors.number_too_big" = "Please enter a smaller number."; "forms.errors.date_too_early" = "Please enter a later date."; "forms.errors.date_too_late" = "Please enter an earlier date."; "forms.recurrence.frequencies.daily" = "Daily"; "forms.recurrence.frequencies.weekly" = "Weekly"; "forms.recurrence.frequencies.monthly" = "Monthly"; "forms.recurrence.frequencies.yearly" = "Yearly"; "forms.recurrence.start" = "Start"; "forms.recurrence.until" = "Until"; "forms.recurrence.frequency" = "Frequency"; "forms.recurrence.no_repeat" = "No repeat"; "forms.date_time.date" = "Date"; "forms.date_time.time" = "Time"; "weekdays.A_0" = "Monday"; "weekdays.A_1" = "Tuesday"; "weekdays.A_2" = "Wednesday"; "weekdays.A_3" = "Thursday"; "weekdays.A_4" = "Friday"; "weekdays.A_5" = "Saturday"; "weekdays.A_6" = "Sunday"; "weekdays_short.A_0" = "Mo"; "weekdays_short.A_1" = "Tu"; "weekdays_short.A_2" = "We"; "weekdays_short.A_3" = "Th"; "weekdays_short.A_4" = "Fr"; "weekdays_short.A_5" = "Sa"; "weekdays_short.A_6" = "Su"; "personal_events.title" = "Title"; "personal_events.description" = "Description"; "personal_events.location" = "Location"; "personal_events.datetime_start" = "Start"; "personal_events.datetime_end" = "End"; "personal_events.recurrences" = "Repeat"; "personal_events.persons" = "Participating people"; "personal_events.groups" = "Participating groups"; "personal_events.create_title" = "Create personal event"; "personal_events.edit_title" = "Edit personal event"; "personal_events.create_button" = "Create event";