Page not found (404)

Object aleksis-app-schild-nrw not found in AlekSIS
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by:

Using the URLconf defined in weblate.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. [name='home']
  2. projects/ [name='projects']
  3. projects/<object_path:path>/ [name='show']
  4. engage/<object_path:path>/ [name='engage']
  5. guide/<object_path:path>/ [name='guide']
  6. matrix/<object_path:path>/ [name='matrix']
  7. js/matrix/<object_path:path>/ [name='matrix-load']
  8. source/<int:pk>/context/ [name='edit_context']
  9. component-list/<name:name>/ [name='component-list']
  10. browse/<object_path:path>/ [name='browse']
  11. translate/<object_path:path>/ [name='translate']
  12. zen/<object_path:path>/ [name='zen']
  13. download/<object_path:path>/ [name='download']

The current path, download/aleksis/aleksis-app-schild-nrw/de/, matched the last one.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.